September 13, 2024
The Power of Fun: Why FUN is a game-changer for brand experiences
Joana Ferrao

You Can’t Spell Bearded Kitten Without F-U-N (sort of)

When you hear the word fun, do you think, overused? Kids party? Well, we think it’s ambiguous… FUN is in the eye of the beholder!

You can’t spell ‘Bearded Kitten’ without f-u-n

While this isn’t grammatically correct, it’s true for our approach. Bearded Kitten was born out of pure fun, drawing whiskers and beards on festival frolickers, and building connections through playful interactions and memorable experiences. Our festival roots shaped who we are today and, it's why fun is more than just a buzzword; it’s the essence of our brand.

Don't let our name and playful demeanour fool you. Our process is highly strategic and designed to evoke emotional connections long after the party's over. 

In today’s noisy and competitive world, fun can be the differentiator for your brand. So, what happens when you put fun at the centre of a project? See what it means to us and the impact it can have on your brand and audience!

What is the Power of Fun?

Although we know how to throw a good party, we’re hardly scientists. Bear with us as we get a little serious about the how and why of fun brand experiences.

In a 1998 study, neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp identified the need to play (and thus, to have fun) as one of the seven primary emotional drives: 

'When the brain perceives something as play, we’re intrinsically motivated to engage with it. If something feels like play, your brain will be far more motivated to pursue it.'

This was further reinforced by Dr. Stuart Brown who claimed; 'The drive to play is as fundamental as our drives for food and sleep.' We guess fun is just one of life's necessities!

This innate desire to engage in play is a key element of our emotional reactions. Brand experiences that activate this response benefit for many reasons: 

Love to Have Fun

According to research, when we are entertained, our brains release oxytocin - aka. the love hormone - which helps humans create emotional bonds. A 2021 report from Wunderman Thompson Intelligence found that:

  • 83% of people actively seek experiences that bring joy and happiness
  • 63% want brands to provide multi-sensory experiences. 

Live events and immersive experiences are uniquely placed in the marketing mix to drive powerful brand-to-human connection. 

Fun Experiences Stick

Studies have shown that people are more likely to remember an experience if it is enjoyable. Considering 70% of people say “they can’t remember the last time a brand did something that excited me,” the added ingredient of fun could help your brand sit in the enviable 30%. 

Share the Love

Fun is contagious, and so is the urge to share it:

  • 75% of Gen-Z attend events primarily to create social media content
  • 70% feel that sharing these experiences online is just as important as the experience

User generated content has a profound impact on brand visibility and awareness, but it also influences sales. 

Fun experiences = shareable moments. Whether it’s an Instagram-worthy installation or a viral video, content can exponentially increase brand visibility in the moment and beyond.

Fun in Action

From orchestrating games of naked cricket at Wilderness Festival, to curating award-winning immersive experiences and conferences, we’ve designed and witnessed the magic of fun firsthand. Here’s a glimpse:

Lynx Sampling

We subverted consumer expectations of Lynx, by presenting festival-goers with a larger-than-life high-end cologne, inviting them to take a sniff and guess the scent.

The surprise element of discovering the scent was Lynx, combined with sensory engagement, made these activations memorable and highly shareable on social media, boosting brand awareness.


Many people would tell you that a work conference is the furthest thing from fun, and they would all be incorrect. Obviously, they haven’t been to a BK-curated conference. 

Our Intuit Mailchimp conference broke the mould, featuring unexpected thought leaders, creative problem-solving workshops, and a playful atmosphere. Safe to say we agree with BrightHR’s study about play in the workplace; 79% of workers believe fun at work is important, and workplaces that incorporate fun see higher employee engagement and productivity.

World-Building and Immersive Experiences

Streaming and video games dominate entertainment for adults and children, so it’s important to bring these digital worlds to life. 

Our work for Netflix’s ‘Money Heist’ did exactly that, with participants stepping into the blockbuster series, competing in against-the-clock escape room scenarios to take home the bullion! We’ve also built immersive worlds for the Pokemon Go launch and the re-opening of Battersea Power Station.

Forefronting Fun and How To Do It

It’s all well and good for us to preach FUN, FUN, FUN, and how we do it. But, what does that mean for you? Our Creative Director, Joana Ferrao, shares her personal insight into how and why we forefront fun at Bearded Kitten:

"Fun should always feel natural, not forced. Our aim is to create moments that people genuinely enjoy and want to shout about—not just experiences they feel obliged to join. When you strike the right balance, the fun becomes real, memorable, and worth sharing."

Let’s Make Fun Happen

When done right, fun isn’t just a gimmick—it’s a game-changer that can transform brand loyalty, spark creativity, and build lasting relationships.

At Bearded Kitten, fun isn’t just what we do—it’s who we are.  From our festival roots to our global brand experiences, fun is at the core of everything we do. It is the key to unlocking creativity, building meaningful connections, and driving business success.

Don’t believe us? We’d love to convince you otherwise.

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